I will try that on the next PC. I have multi PC's all Windows 7. Moving away from Windows.
My bed room has router to internet. only wired connection. Rest of the House is WIFI.
BUT this TV in bed room only has HDMI no
PC port. GRRRR.
I did get N64 running. A Face book group member said yank video card. So I did. Stole 1 TV from Kitchen 20 inch with VGA port.
Updated driver and BOOM fixed. Diddy Kong racing and Mario Cart use 2 different EMU's but there smooth and Playing.
I do know almost every thing I do. I have to type password in. this is driving me nuts.
even to go to internet boom password. Change setting in retro pie BOOM password
I keep thinking shove this
password up your virtual
Thanks for all the help.