I don't know why the forum is doing that to your posts.

The oddest part is that it doesn't do it consistently. If the forum software rejects/clips the ASCII keycode for enter (13), it seems like it would do that every time.

For further troubleshooting, the only things that I can think of are:
1. Try posting with shift-enters. (Line Feeds)
- Might be the easiest workaround.
2. Try a different keyboard.
- Your current keyboard may be sending some unusual/spurious keycodes or modifiers.
-- Enter is 13
-- Left-shift is 160
-- Right-shift is 161
- You can view and compare keycodes using a keyboard test program like
this one that Jon wrote for KADE. Related thread
(If the links in that thread don't work, change the link URL from kadevice.
com to kadevice.