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Is BYOAC owned by Wiley now?


First of all, congratulations Saint.  You've been here longer than any of us, so you deserve this.

However when reading your news post, at one point you say this:

"In fact, I expressed my concern to the Wiley editors about ensuring that I didn't lose control of the BYOAC web site and the ability to edit and update it as I saw fit. They were extremely supportive, and not only assured me that I would maintain complete control and ability to update the content of the web site, they also put it in the contract and added that I am able to use material from the book verbatim on the web site itself! "

Is Wiley publishing gaining control of the BYOAC website?  Is it being sold to them or something?  Or are the contents being sold to them?? It sounds to me like they somehow are influential in the decisions for this website or something.... Am I confused here?  

It doesn't sound right that if you still owned the website, that you would express concern as to loosing control of it and it's contents...

This website is full of a LOT of useful information that is freely posted by a LOT of people who post for the benefit of others ... I don't think that very many people here would like the idea of this entire website (and its freely contributed contents) being up and sold to some company...  

I think that I may have misread the news, but I just want to make sure...

Heh, in trying to alleviate this concern I actually raised it :)

I continue to hold 100% ownership of the web site and its contents. When I signed my book deal with Wiley however, I signed the copyright to the book over to them. Various reasons for doing so, mostly it means less hassle for me (for instance, if someone bootlegged the book and started selling photocopies on ebay then Wiley's lawyers would deal with it instead of me having to hire someone).

So I made sure that by signing the copyright to them for the book and its contents that I did not sign over any of the web site ownership and contents.

So, short answer: Nope, still 100% mine and the communitys :)

--- Quote from: Jakobud on February 04, 2004, 02:25:23 pm ---First of all, congratulations Saint.  You've been here longer than any of us, so you deserve this.

However when reading your news post, at one point you say this:

"In fact, I expressed my concern to the Wiley editors about ensuring that I didn't lose control of the BYOAC web site and the ability to edit and update it as I saw fit. They were extremely supportive, and not only assured me that I would maintain complete control and ability to update the content of the web site, they also put it in the contract and added that I am able to use material from the book verbatim on the web site itself! "

Is Wiley publishing gaining control of the BYOAC website?  Is it being sold to them or something?  Or are the contents being sold to them?? It sounds to me like they somehow are influential in the decisions for this website or something.... Am I confused here?  

It doesn't sound right that if you still owned the website, that you would express concern as to loosing control of it and it's contents...

This website is full of a LOT of useful information that is freely posted by a LOT of people who post for the benefit of others ... I don't think that very many people here would like the idea of this entire website (and its freely contributed contents) being up and sold to some company...  

I think that I may have misread the news, but I just want to make sure...

--- End quote ---


--- Quote from: saint on February 04, 2004, 02:41:49 pm ---Heh, in trying to alleviate this concern I actually raised it :)

I continue to hold 100% ownership of the web site and its contents. When I signed my book deal with Wiley however, I signed the copyright to the book over to them. Various reasons for doing so, mostly it means less hassle for me (for instance, if someone bootlegged the book and started selling photocopies on ebay then Wiley's lawyers would deal with it instead of me having to hire someone).

So I made sure that by signing the copyright to them for the book and its contents that I did not sign over any of the web site ownership and contents.

So, short answer: Nope, still 100% mine and the communitys :)

--- Quote from: Jakobud on February 04, 2004, 02:25:23 pm ---First of all, congratulations Saint.  You've been here longer than any of us, so you deserve this.

However when reading your news post, at one point you say this:

"In fact, I expressed my concern to the Wiley editors about ensuring that I didn't lose control of the BYOAC web site and the ability to edit and update it as I saw fit. They were extremely supportive, and not only assured me that I would maintain complete control and ability to update the content of the web site, they also put it in the contract and added that I am able to use material from the book verbatim on the web site itself! "

Is Wiley publishing gaining control of the BYOAC website?  Is it being sold to them or something?  Or are the contents being sold to them?? It sounds to me like they somehow are influential in the decisions for this website or something.... Am I confused here?  

It doesn't sound right that if you still owned the website, that you would express concern as to loosing control of it and it's contents...

This website is full of a LOT of useful information that is freely posted by a LOT of people who post for the benefit of others ... I don't think that very many people here would like the idea of this entire website (and its freely contributed contents) being up and sold to some company...  

I think that I may have misread the news, but I just want to make sure...

--- End quote ---

--- End quote ---

Cool thats all I needed to know!  Congrat's again :)


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