Well, I had hoped my recapping would last ten years and it didn't even last eight. The horizontal linearity problem at 15kHz is back and worse than ever. I actually have a bit more experience with board rework now, so I'm hoping to fix this issue once and for all.
After some digging, I'm fairly certain this chassis is a Wei-Ya C2929D-6 (rev 6. that is). That should be the 15-50kHz model. I can't find any schematics for it though. With a similar chassis and problem, changing a capacitor value was able to fix the issue for
these folks. Unfortunately, that caused other problems at other resolutions/frequencies.
Since I replaced the board with all Nichicon caps, I'm fairly certain they're still good. Thinking back, I'm not sure the cap kit fixed the right-side compression fully, just made it a lot better. I'm thinking now that it's possible it's the poly caps that are suspect.
I should note I was able to get into the advanced operator's menu by holding UP on the MENU button while the monitor powered on. That had an HL adjustment, which didn't do all that much, but the menu also wasn't available in 15KHz mode. Strange, just the standard menu was available. There's actually no way to H-POS the monitor all the way to the right. There's always about a 2-3" black bar and the image will wrap around itself.