Has the XML changed since the Mala "all games" list was generated? If so, the all games list needs rebuilt. After that, the problem games will need to be deleted from any other lists and added back from the updated all games list.
There is a tool somewhere in the Mala subforum to covert the Mala game list to a text file and back again. Might figure something out (or fix the issue) by having a look at what's in the MLG file.
Sent from my Life One X2 using Tapatalk
Yes, the XML changed! Good catch. And I did do the rebuild list step. But I
didn't delete the games from the other lists and re-add. I bet that's what it is; I don't think I launched them from the All Games list.

Sigh. I am getting tempted to try a newer MAME (I am on 143b) and do the XML hacks that are around, just in order to have a fresh start. After five years of hacking on this cab, who knows what else is weird. I have so many backups of mame.xml and mame.ini at this point...
I'll go try your suggestion now, BadMouth.

I'll report back on whether it did the trick!
I will say... Tempest and Arkanoid on spinners, Sinistar with analog... I am so happy with my CP upgrades...