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So ... 3d Printers....

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It's that time of year again and all the low to mid end 3d printers are on sale.  I'm considering it this time, but I'm a little overwhelmed from all the choices. 

Thus far these two stick out on the low end:

I believe this is the one a bunch of you got a while back.  It seems to be built to high quality and it isn't a kit, which is nice.  Then I found this one....

Now obviously it's a kit, it's constructed of a cheaper lexan base, and the fit and finish isn't as nice but....  it has a build volume of 220x220x240mm!  That's nearly a 10 inch cube!

So suggestions or comments sure would be appreciated.  I really like the larger build size of the cheaper model, but if it's a piece of junk all the extra volume is pointless.

I got the monoprice mini for $170.  The learning curve for it isn't nearly what I expected.
Make crap in tinkercad>export stl file>open in the copy of Cura included with the printer>export gcode to microsd card>pop in printer and select file.
I cranked out this fairly quickly:,152133.0.html
I also made a bracket to hold my cell phone right under the radio in my truck.
So far, I only have a couple ideas in my head that I'd need a larger printer for, but decided I'd just join the local maker space and use their 3D printer after I get the designs done.
For me, this purchase was all about getting my feet wet and moving along the learning curve.  It has been great for that.

As far as the other one, I'd probably still be a bit intimidated by the user interface and needing to tweak it to get better results.
The guy in the video sounds like he had some issues before printing modifications for it.

So as a total noob I'd want the monoprice one, but if I were more experienced the bigger one would be better.

After I get experienced with design software more complicated with Tinkercad, I'll probably move up to a bigger machine.

Well the tinkering I expect, but there are a few issues creeping up with the china unit.  Apparently the included software isn't supported by win 10.  I'm sure you can download something else, but that means software tinkering as well.  Also I'm unsure if it comes with sample filament, which isn't a huge deal, but then it isn't really cheaper.  I'll have to research more.  I'm waiting until Monday to see if there are any sales.


--- Quote from: Howard_Casto on November 27, 2016, 12:36:22 pm ---Well the tinkering I expect, but there are a few issues creeping up with the china unit.  Apparently the included software isn't supported by win 10.  I'm sure you can download something else, but that means software tinkering as well.  Also I'm unsure if it comes with sample filament, which isn't a huge deal, but then it isn't really cheaper.  I'll have to research more.  I'm waiting until Monday to see if there are any sales.

--- End quote ---

The amount of filament the monoprice comes with isn't really enough to make anything.
For me, it did the bed level test print (per the instructions) and about 1/5th of the included cat figurine.
Rough estimate: only pennies worth of filament.

Well I'm just wondering how much I'll waste before getting it calibrated properly.  Yeah it's probably not enough to matter, but when you'll throw a decent portion in the trash every little bit helps. 

They've also sold out at the LA warehouse, meaning shipping isn't free and it'll likely come over on the slow boat from China. 


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