Arcade Collecting > Restorations & repair

"Fighter Pilots Needed In Sector Wars... Play Astro Blaster Restoration"

<< < (2/10) > >>

Oh, I did replace the red and yellow buttons because they were worn out.  The white ones I soaked and cleaned.

Mike A:
Looks great in that spot. Like its was always there.

 :applaud: :applaud:


Great job Yots

I wanted to learn more about the game, found this video

I love Todd from TNT amusements... And I have no idea WHY. But he has been must watch youtube for me lately. Anyway I thought it was pretty cool learning about the special bonuses and the fact that Gremlin/Sega put a lot of work into making this a unique and amazingly intricate game... and then boom. Total dud, made no money (that is so Sega for you). Looks like a great game! Have fun Yots.


Very cool, nice work.  :applaud:

I had no recollection of this game so I had to immediately boot it up in Mame and check it out. Fun game play and that synthesized voice is awesome! I really like the art, nice touch on the coin mechs.


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