Front End Support > MaLa Frontend
Animation in MaLa IS possible!
mike boss:
DUDE! I just took a look at this layout folder.
Much credit and respect to you for getting this layout done.
This must have been a sh*t ton of work!
Very complex.
Even looking at the innards I can't quite figure out how you got it all to work.
It looks FANTASTIC! Really top shelf work.
Thanks Mike. It did take a fair bit of work and thought, but worth the effort, I think. I still love seeing it running on my cab, now. :)
mike boss:
You did an awesome job................. I better not get an email from a customer saying, "Hi can you do a layout like this?" and include yours. Answer is NOPE! LOL
Great work
DP Louie:
Wow! I haven't been active on here in years and I've recently been tinkering with my vertical mame cab (running Mala) and decided to log on and see if there was anything new. I found this thread and I have to say that this layout is just stunning - the best I've ever seen for Mala. The linked video still works, but unfortunately the link for downloading this incredible layout is dead. I'm hoping the OP will re-post it or maybe someone here would be willing to send me a copy...
--- Quote from: DP Louie on August 21, 2021, 11:24:15 am ---Wow! I haven't been active on here in years and I've recently been tinkering with my vertical mame cab (running Mala) and decided to log on and see if there was anything new. I found this thread and I have to say that this layout is just stunning - the best I've ever seen for Mala. The linked video still works, but unfortunately the link for downloading this incredible layout is dead. I'm hoping the OP will re-post it or maybe someone here would be willing to send me a copy...
--- End quote ---
Hmm, no idea how the download went missing from my Google Drive. Anyway, I've zipped it up and uploaded it again. Link above has been updated. Been a while since I've played with this stuff, so let me know if it works OK for you, or if I've forgotten to include something.
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