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Author Topic: 2016 March of Dimes charity Arcade/Pinball prize raffle  (Read 15289 times)

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2016 March of Dimes charity Arcade/Pinball prize raffle
« on: March 14, 2016, 02:42:01 pm »
2016 is in full swing and that means it is time for another annual Arcade/Pinball prize raffle!!!

The following is from user herbertsmart:

I am a volunteer and supporter of the March of Dimes mission to eliminate pre-term birth and the health complications associated with it.  3 of my Nieces were preemies and spend time in the NICU, so I know first hand how valuable the March of Dimes is.  Please join with me to donate to the cause and support "a fighting chance for all babies"!

Every donation get automatically entered into the annual Arcade/Pinball prize raffle!  Vendors have showed their support of the March of Dimes by contributing some great items to the prize pool, everything from apparel, tools, parts, artwork, gift certificates, and more will be available.  The prize raffle goes life at the end of my fundraising campaign on May 6th, 2016.  The person who makes the largest donation get 1st choice of the available prizes in the raffle.  Then progressing down the list of participants until everyone receives a prize or until all prizes are awarded (for the last several years I've had enough prizes to go around, but no guarantees).

Its simple:

Step 1 * Visit my dedicated fundraising homepage to donate and be entered into the raffle

Step 2 * Please use an email address you actually check when making you donation (this is how I contact you when it is your turn to select a prize in the raffle).

Step 3 * Contact me via PM, email, or leave a comment on my March of Dimes page with your shipping address and t-shirt size.

That's it, then just wait to be contacted when it is your turn to select a prize from the raffle.  Thanks in advance to all the prize sponsors this year and to everyone who participates.  This event gets bigger every year (which is more work for me) but all of the support for the March of Dimes is worth it!

You can read more about it, including the large list of prizes, on the official message thread!
« Last Edit: March 14, 2016, 03:08:20 pm by saint »