Hello friends. I ask the experts to see if they can help me. I already have the Aliexpress aliens guns assembled and configured. I haven't started with mamehooker yet but I'm testing the recoil with teknoparrot specifically with Aliens extermination and Farcry which from what I see have native support for these guns and activate the outputs. The problem is that one of the guns works perfectly with the recoil and the lights but when in the active game the other gun recoils in both and out of control and after a few seconds both guns are blocked and you can't continue playing. I reversed the controls in the Teknoparrot configuration and it does the same thing, that is, the gun that was blocked before works and when I pull the trigger on the other, both are blocked with uncontrolled recoils. I've been looking at many forums but I can't find this problem, maybe it's a com port configuration, but in the Windows device manager I don't see an option to assign a com port to the guns. If anyone can help me I would greatly appreciate it!
PS: Sorry for my English I am using the translator since my language is Spanish
I tried Mamehooker and the result is the following...
In Test mode with the code
ghd 1 &H04B4 &H6870 2 &h02:&h01 (Gun 1 makes a single recoil and locks gun and mamehooker)
With the code
ghd 2 &H04B4 &H6870 2 &h02:&h01 (Gun 2 works perfectly, every time I press test it recoils as many times as I want.)
The truth is that I can't understand what's happening.
Im having the same problem and i have tried everything to try and fix this issue. I got an aliens cabinet with these guns , the pc that was inside of it was toast. so at some point in the past it did work. im sure its a cabinet that came from china.
The game would just stop responding after a short while of the recoil working, causing u not to be able to move the cursor anymore.
This only happens when power is connected to the recoil, no recoil the game works just fine, with amo counter etc just perfect. but obviously the recoil adds so much fun to this game , its something that i just cant live without.
Other times ive had the keyboard also lock up if i stayed in the game longer and not quit when the gun froze up.
Ive even had the player 1 gun fire by itself , without me touching it and then not being able to move but the recoil would just keep firing.
The other bit of info i did find however is this. if i connect one of either guns only to recoil, that gun would work perfect and not freeze up, its only for me when i connect both guns that i have the issue above.
here is what i have tried.
1. tried two power supply to supply voltage for the 24v coils. < made zero difference
2. in a risky move, i cut the usb cables and connected them to receive 5volt from the external power supply since it has higher amps. i figured maybe the guns for some reason draws too much power from the computer and that makes problem with the usb , causing a lock up.
3. i have tried demulshooter, i have tried mamehooker < even if mamehooker is not needed i figured it was worth a shot.
4. i have tried to disable USB suspend mode , under power saver. < this helped nothing
5. i updated the usb controller drivers < still nothing
6. changed usb ports < did not work
Any guru out there have any idea why this problem could be happening? this is doing my head in.