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RIP - The Dead Celebrity Thread

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I was a big fan seeing as how I listen to both kinds of music... hard rock and heavy metal, but let's not cry a  river here.  The guy made it to 70 and for the kind of life he lived that's a pretty good run.

Ginsu Victim:

--- Quote from: Howard_Casto on December 29, 2015, 07:37:17 pm ---The guy made it to 70 and for the kind of life he lived that's a pretty good run.

--- End quote ---

He should've lived to 110 and just exploded on stage to end his final show.


--- Quote from: Howard_Casto on December 29, 2015, 07:37:17 pm ---I was a big fan seeing as how I listen to both kinds of music... hard rock and heavy metal, but let's not cry a  river here.  The guy made it to 70 and for the kind of life he lived that's a pretty good run.

--- End quote ---

He considered Motorhead to be a punk band.

For the last (several to many) years, he'd be almost always seen at the Rainbow bar, playing touchscreen games.  I heard that the machine was recently moved to his house down the block to enjoy at home as he couldn't make it to the Rainbow.  That's mighy nice of them.

Jack & Coke was his drink of choice.  I think we can all find time to enjoy at least one in the next night or two.

It's all about the game, and how you play it.


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