I have been reading a lot of the threads and I am hoping to follow in the steps of those who already completed great rotating monitor projects.
After reviewing many projects, it appeared that the Revolution project was my best bet.
http://forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php/topic,121570.msg1289719.htmlAlso it did not hurt that he had a detailed list of the parts.
Up front: I am very amateur when it comes to electronics. The vast majority extent of my experience is playing with my Raspberry Pi and just poking around and tring every combination on the bread board until I get the result I am looking for. I do have a strong computer and IT background, so this shouldn't be too much of a stretch for me.
So I followed suit and bought:
Pololu Simple Motor Controller 18v7 - user guide -
https://www.pololu.com/docs/pdf/0J44/simple_motor_controllers.pdfAmico 12v 10rpm 15kg/cm 130mA motor - Amazon -
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00858TMYY?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00Pololu 37D mm Metal Gearmotor Bracket Pair - Pololu
Pololu Universal Aluminum Mounting Hub for 6mm Shaft Pair, 4-40 Holes - Pololu
#1700 Premium Jumper Wire 50-Piece Rainbow Assortment F-F 6" - Pololu
2x Microswitches for stop limits- Amazon
300lb Lazy Susan
I am not sure what I am doing wrong, so I hope to get some assistance.
Installed the Motor Controller Software, no problem.
Took awhile to figure out the Microswitches because at first I was under the impression that the power to the motor was going to be directly killed by the switches by putting them in line between the motor and the power source. It dawned on me that the Switch is be treated as a jumper on the motor controller board. I connected a wire from the Analog Ch2 pin to the common on the switch, then a wire from the NO to the Pot+ pin. I did take a wild stab on that but it did appear to work as I was getting a response in the software. (I tried the other two combinations and didn't get any response)
Found a 12v/1A DC power supply sitting in a drawer and stripped the ends and connected straight to the motor ... It spins. I am getting excited now

Connected the Power to the VIN and GND terminals and the Motor to the OUTA and OUTB terminals .... Plugged the controller back into the USB port, and I get nothing. Stopped and restarted the software, click on the switch a couple times (just in case I had it wired the wrong way, NO vs NC).
The only two things I can think of, is that the DC power supply is not strong enough or that the WIN and GND are backwards. (I am at work now, so I need to wait till I get home to switch the cables around).
Any thoughts?