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A 0 games found workaround for MAME v.162 and later with Mala.

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--- Quote from: NOP on June 15, 2015, 08:00:59 pm ---I think that a lot of FE's are likely going to fail due to this change, and if the FE isn't supported anymore, they may be stuck at 161 for eternity.

Not to hijack this thread, but I'm running into this with ROMLister, and am wondering how I'm going to code around it to maintain compatibility with previous XML versions.
I was thinking that when creating a merged XML file, if it detects a 162 (machine+) xml file, that will ask you if you want to convert it back to <161's formatting or keep it as is.  RL would then do the exact same steps outlined here with a simple search/replace, which would in effect allow all FE's to work as normal if used with romlister.  As usual, I save the day. <jk>

No ETA on this yet- I think there will be other headaches with this change I haven't run into yet.

--- End quote ---

That is exactly what I was hoping that someone was going to eventually create (with the >=162 XML detection). I look forward to trying your solution to this issue.



--- Quote from: VWBusman on June 15, 2015, 11:53:21 am ---Hi,

I am not sure if this tip has already been given/shared (sorry if it has), but I would like to share the solution to the problem that I was having using Mala with MAME 162.

I was having the above error (No games were added! Review collection options and ensure using XML file (produced by Mame) is >.84) due to the new mame.xml formatting.

Here a some examples of the changes in the mame.xml file:

old xml naming:

<!ELEMENT mame (game+)>
<!ATTLIST game
<game name="005"

new xml naming:

<!ELEMENT mame (machine+)>
<!ATTLIST machine
<machine name="005"

I fixed this using an xml editor (I used Notepad++

I used the "replace" function to replace all occurrences of "machine" with "game" in the mame.xml file.

Make sure to save the changes to mame.xml & then you should now be able to successfully refresh the main game list in Mala.

I hope this information helps,


--- End quote ---

Thanks for this. I put mala on my laptop so i could fix everything up with ease before putting the folders on to my XP machine and was getting this exact error. Will try it later!

Id give you rep but it doesnt exist.  :applaud:


--- Quote from: VWBusman on June 15, 2015, 11:53:21 am ---

I fixed this using an xml editor (I used Notepad++

I used the "replace" function to replace all occurrences of "machine" with "game" in the mame.xml file.

--- End quote ---

I tried this, on a backed up XML. After doing a Find and Replace of machine for game the gamelist throws up 33,000 odd items in the games list. I only have 1600 Mame titles in my list so there must be other instances of machine here that do not need changing, maybe I just did it wrong.


--- Quote from: jazzycian on June 17, 2015, 05:54:45 am ---
--- Quote from: VWBusman on June 15, 2015, 11:53:21 am ---

I fixed this using an xml editor (I used Notepad++

I used the "replace" function to replace all occurrences of "machine" with "game" in the mame.xml file.

--- End quote ---

I tried this, on a backed up XML. After doing a Find and Replace of machine for game the gamelist throws up 33,000 odd items in the games list. I only have 1600 Mame titles in my list so there must be other instances of machine here that do not need changing, maybe I just did it wrong.

--- End quote ---

Hi jazzycian,

I have 25,592 instances of machine in my original file & I changed all of the without any issues. I also have far less roms that the number of instances in the xml file.

If you would like proceed with more caution (understandably so) you can do the same find and replace in several different steps:




<!ELEMENT machine


<!ELEMENT game

<!ATTLIST machine


<!ATTLIST game







Using this method I did replace 349 less instances of "machine." I will revise my initial post to reflect this more cautious method that does still work (for me).

Please let me know if this works for you.



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