Main > Driving & Racing Cabinets

Sega Monaco GP 1979/1980 - My Remake

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Ok, tried this on my windows 7, with mixed results.

Got the roms, renamed them as required.

Started the game, found that M changed gears but no other controls worked. So, read the instructions, find that the mouse is needed. Try this, car crashes at the start then disappears off the screen, never to return. Hmm.

Next thing to try was setting the controls for the keyboard. This seemed to work much better, and the car stays around. Noticed a few things that were not on the original machine (such as the ending score display).

For a first release this seems pretty good. Not sure if you can fix (or replicate) the mouse problem.

Hi! So it sounds like you got it working fine with keys :) but not with mouse :(

--- Quote ---Started the game, found that M changed gears but no other controls worked. So, read the instructions, find that the mouse is needed
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Yup, like it says in the release notes its mouse control by default. Mouse 'x' axis to steer, LMB accelerate, RMB change gear, Key '5' or '6' to insert coin.

--- Quote ---Try this, car crashes at the start then disappears off the screen, never to return. Hmm
--- End quote ---
I've tried this, but I can't recreate this on my win7 64bit laptop. No matter how erratic my mouse or even touch pad movements are, the player's car always returns to the correct position.

What happens if you start the game without touching the mouse at all. Does the player "disappears off the screen, never to return", or do you have to move the mouse to make that happen?

You could try slowing down your mouse speed (via the windows control panel) and see if it makes any difference. Maybe try a different mouse if you have one?

--- Quote ---Noticed a few things that were not on the original machine (such as the ending score display)
--- End quote ---
Yup, you can disable the hi-score table in the config.txt file if you rather not see it. It is not possible to disable the ending score / racing stats yet but adding an option for that won't be difficult (You can always skip past it by holding down the '1' key anyways).

Hope this helps!

Very nice & thank you.  It gives me the "feel" of the original.  A nice bezel and LED simulation would be nice  ;)

One question, is there a way to remove the filtered effect?  I changed the bi-linear filtering  to '0' in the config file but it still looks the same.  I guess I'm in the minority, but I would like it nice and sharp.

Please keep improving it.  It brings back memories for me. :cheers:

Thanks again.


--- Quote ---Very nice & thank you.  It gives me the "feel" of the original.  A nice bezel and LED simulation would be nice
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Thanks bosco! Hearing you say that makes all my efforts seem worthwhile. I'll probably do something about the bezel / LED simulation for the next release as it seems quite an important feature for a few people.

--- Quote ---One question, is there a way to remove the filtered effect?  I changed the bi-linear filtering  to '0' in the config file but it still looks the same.  I guess I'm in the minority, but I would like it nice and sharp.
--- End quote ---
Whoops, yes this is a bug. I'll fix this in the next release.

--- Quote ---Please keep improving it.  It brings back memories for me.
--- End quote ---
Will do. Please keep the ideas how to improve coming in :) I'm thinking for the next release I shall include an configuration option for 'standard' or 'enhanced' gameplay. 'Enhanced' will be what the current version is like (I.e. Pretty much like the original arcade version, but with a high score table, racing stats when your game ends, some extra vehicles, some new tracks, and a 'goal' making the game possible to complete). The 'Standard' version be as close to the arcade version as I can make it (shouldn't be too difficult to remove the extras I added). Might even add a 'Grand Theft Auto' mode where you can shoot and steal other cars and drive the fire engine... Just kidding.. but thinking about it that would be quite cool actually ;)

Just in case you didn't know.  Zorg has some nice vectors Monaco stuff.    ;)


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