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fooling with m2emu network

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--- Quote from: SailorSat on December 04, 2021, 04:58:29 am ---As for the fullscreen issue - I use dxwnd to "fake" fullscreen.

As for the 1p issue - well, thats sadly not possile right now. maybe later ;D

--- End quote ---

Hey SailorSat,

Just wondering if I could ask you a few questions about your Daytona setup, if that's cool?



--- Quote from: SailorSat on March 02, 2024, 02:17:24 am ---Sure...

--- End quote ---

Awesome! I sent you a DM with a few questions. Appreciate it!

So... finaly made patch of 1.1a (multicpu) that fixes the "newer" games' network initialization. (no more service-menu reset shenanigans)

Sega Ski Super G
SuperGT 24h
Sega Touring Car Challenge
Wave Runner

called 1.1b

--- Code: ---004cf3e1 89 44 24 0c     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_22c_pBufferRX],EAX
004cf3e5 89 44 24 10     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_228_timeOut],EAX
004cf3e9 89 44 24 14     MOV        dword ptr [ESP + local_228_timeOut+0x4],EAX

--- change so that EAX is 0x4000 at 004cf3e9

emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3C5 - C7 44 24 14 00400000  - mov [esp+14],00004000
emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3CD - EB 1E                 - jmp emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3ED

emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3E9 - EB DA                 - jmp emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3C5
emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3EB - 90                    - nop
emulator_multicpu.exe+CF3EC - 90                    - nop

--- End code ---

thanks Sailor! U r great!


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