Arcade Collecting > Merit/JVL Touchscreen

force board few second power off

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So I have this force board and it was working a few days ago. Now its powering off after a few seconds with the jumper wire connected. Powering it on manually without the jumper wire it stays on but no video, no beep and the fan sounds like its pulseing and the green led flickers. I replaced the ram and cpu and all the caps look ok and no signs of swelling but the ones to the right of the IDE connectors get really hot. Im all out of 1000uf 6.3v caps so i would have to order them if its still possible to be the problem. I do have some 6.3v 1500uf caps but not sure if thats safe to use.  Would like some input if anyone has any. Thanks.

For some reason after i tried swapping a few different cpu's and ram sticks, now im getting some weid crackling noise out of the speaker on the mobo and oddly enough its not turning off after a few seconds anymore with the jumper wire connected. I found some 6.3v 1000uf caps in one of my parts bin so im going to replace the caps but i want to replace a 25v 100uf cap since it was really hot aswell but i cant find one yet.

Suck it up and buy a power supply... Your motherboard is fine...keep screwing around and you will need new motherboard too...


--- Quote from: smartbomb2084 on February 09, 2013, 08:22:19 pm ---Suck it up and buy a power supply... Your motherboard is fine...keep screwing around and you will need new motherboard too...

--- End quote ---

I think it would have been polite to ask if i have tried another power supply. And yes I have pulled the force board out of the unit and tested on a antec 450 watt pc power supply. Same problem.

I replaced all the caps that were hot and now im getting the few second shut off again, but this time i noticed a regulator overheating ans sizzling. I took a pic of the regulator.

when re-capping boards, you really need to catch them BEFORE you have problems. if your computer won't start up it's likely already too late.

your bad caps have been straining the regulators and now they have given out.

your only choices are now:

1 - replace the board

2 - replace the regulators.

#2 should only be performed if the rest of the components haven't been damaged yet. continuing to run it with failed regulators is BAD BAD BAD BAD and only lessening your chances of resurrecting the board.


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