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FS: mini SLG 2X (scanline generator) (Colorado, USA)

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--- Quote from: peterson65 on January 12, 2019, 10:41:17 am ---this thing is awesome!! I have been converting a space invaders cocktail to a mame machine and been pulling my hair out trying to get it looking good with mame effects but that allways messed up something else (audio or frame drops) set it to 640x480@60 not effects and I cant ask for anything more. thanks

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The scanlines are going the wrong direction, instead of vertical, they should be horizontal.


--- Quote from: negative1 on January 12, 2019, 04:37:53 pm ---The scanlines are going the wrong direction, instead of vertical, they should be horizontal.

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You've seen real arcade games before, right? Scanlines run in the direction that the gun travels across the screen (the long side). Mounting the screen vertically doesn't change that.


--- Quote from: negative1 on January 12, 2019, 04:37:53 pm ---The scanlines are going the wrong direction, instead of vertical, they should be horizontal.

--- End quote ---

Are you English or Retarded?

Ginsu Victim:

--- Quote from: negative1 on January 12, 2019, 04:37:53 pm ---The scanlines are going the wrong direction, instead of vertical, they should be horizontal.

--- End quote ---

Good job of shitposting in this thread. You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.


--- Quote from: peterson65 on January 12, 2019, 10:41:17 am ---this thing is awesome!! I have been converting a space invaders cocktail to a mame machine and been pulling my hair out trying to get it looking good with mame effects but that allways messed up something else (audio or frame drops) set it to 640x480@60 not effects and I cant ask for anything more. thanks

--- End quote ---

Glad you like the mini SLG! I turned over ownership of the product to Paradise Arcade a couple years ago to focus on other projects, but great to know that people are still enjoying it.


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