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PGA Tour Golf by Global VR & EA Sports Owners Thread

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I am going to have to get my hands on tiger woods 04-06 as from what I have been able to find online this arcade game is direct port.  Exact players, courses so am thinking we should be able to cut and paste to add.  Also can you hook up your pga HDD and look arount with nvidia thumbnail viewer (seperate program to look at ddl files).  I am not going to be near a computer for next few days and want to see if this works.  Also there is a site that is dedicated to adding courses to different ver of tiger woods golf.  Hope this sparks some interest in others with PGA GOLF.


Here are some pics of the gutted PGA cabinet that I hacked into a pedestal cabinet.  I also went with an illuminated blue trackball and have a little shelf that houses sleeves of golf balls on the top side of the control panel for a little extra personalization.  I still have to install the lock on the coin door (tape holding it in place now), clean up some rough edges, give everything a fresh coat of paint, and install a NOS control panel overlay and then she will be all set.

Looks great!

Looks awesome. Now if someone can make sense of how to unlock PGA golf we will all be laughing ha ha ha


--- Quote from: Spitfire on December 31, 2012, 09:06:23 pm ---Looks awesome. Now if someone can make sense of how to unlock PGA golf we will all be laughing ha ha ha

--- End quote ---

I hear you on that one!


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