Main > Reviews - good or bad?
Has anyone ordered from How are they? Anyone ordered from USA and how is the shipping?
I have ordered from a couple of times (from the Netherlands). Shipping is fast, communication is good, packaging is very good. Last time I even got a small extra in the box (Donkey Kong Lighter).
I've ordered from them and I'm in the states. Shipping speed is pretty quick for being international and even after currency conversion and shipping, some of their products are less expensive than what some U.S. suppliers have to offer. Speaking of, I need to place another order with them...
Good example: Their "coin switches" are the same used in Skeeball model H machines for scoring switches. A set of 8 will run around $58 shipped from a supplier in the states, but only ~$33 shipped ($30.05 for my order placed on 8/11/12) from
I recently bought a coindoor with two 0,50 coinmechs, and some other stuff. The site has a good layout, ordering went smooth, and packaging was just excellent. I would not hesitate to order there again.
I live in Germany and a friend of mine and I have ordered stuff from them at least 5 or 6 times. Each time, communication was excellent as was packaging and speed with which orders were processed. Recommended.
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