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Author Topic: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'  (Read 378847 times)

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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #120 on: July 18, 2012, 12:53:22 am »

I am brand spankin' new to the MAME scene, but I am very excited to build my first cab.  This thread has been very exciting since I love the design of the cabinet and there are instructions and dimensions!  OND, are you done updating this thread?  If so, I'll start building and fill in the blanks.  If not, I'll wait it out a bit longer.  I'm going to order controls, PC, monitor, etc., so I doubt I can wait much longer when I have the components :-).

Also, I do want 4 player controls since I have fond memories of NBA Jam, TMNT and Gauntlet.  If you are planning on including a 4 player CP option on this, that'd be swell.  If not, I'll figure it out.

Thanks a ton for this.  As someone who is new to this hobby, it will be very useful.

Le Chuck

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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #121 on: July 18, 2012, 01:11:19 am »

I am brand spankin' new to the MAME scene, but I am very excited to build my first cab.  This thread has been very exciting since I love the design of the cabinet and there are instructions and dimensions!  OND, are you done updating this thread?  If so, I'll start building and fill in the blanks.  If not, I'll wait it out a bit longer.  I'm going to order controls, PC, monitor, etc., so I doubt I can wait much longer when I have the components :-).

Also, I do want 4 player controls since I have fond memories of NBA Jam, TMNT and Gauntlet.  If you are planning on including a 4 player CP option on this, that'd be swell.  If not, I'll figure it out.

Thanks a ton for this.  As someone who is new to this hobby, it will be very useful.

There are great 2 player versions of those games out there.  Most folks that build a 4p machine rarely put it to use.  Even if you have a crowd around and they happen to be playing a 4p title usually the two center positions will get played and folks will wait it out.  It's your cab and if you won't be happy within anything less than 4p I say go for it but this being your first cab I would advise against it.  You may have fond memories of those titles but finding three other like minded souls who will spend longer than 5 minutes indulging you may prove tricky. 

OND isn't finished, he's just got a lot of eggs in the air.  I'm sure he'll be around shortly.

Oh, and welcome to the forums. 


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #122 on: July 18, 2012, 02:37:23 am »

I am brand spankin' new to the MAME scene, but I am very excited to build my first cab.  This thread has been very exciting since I love the design of the cabinet and there are instructions and dimensions!  OND, are you done updating this thread?  If so, I'll start building and fill in the blanks.  If not, I'll wait it out a bit longer.  I'm going to order controls, PC, monitor, etc., so I doubt I can wait much longer when I have the components :-).

Also, I do want 4 player controls since I have fond memories of NBA Jam, TMNT and Gauntlet.  If you are planning on including a 4 player CP option on this, that'd be swell.  If not, I'll figure it out.

Thanks a ton for this.  As someone who is new to this hobby, it will be very useful.

There are great 2 player versions of those games out there.  Most folks that build a 4p machine rarely put it to use.  Even if you have a crowd around and they happen to be playing a 4p title usually the two center positions will get played and folks will wait it out.  It's your cab and if you won't be happy within anything less than 4p I say go for it but this being your first cab I would advise against it.  You may have fond memories of those titles but finding three other like minded souls who will spend longer than 5 minutes indulging you may prove tricky. 

OND isn't finished, he's just got a lot of eggs in the air.  I'm sure he'll be around shortly.

Oh, and welcome to the forums. 

Welcome to the forums thewisteron, Le Chuck is right I'm a bit busy with stuff but not at all done with this thread.  Thanks for the feedback, I'll do my best to squeeze in an update which will conclude the construction steps this weekend.  I've promised a metric release of the plans which I will also get around to.

I'm actually very keen to do the Metropolis themed artwork for the cab as well as some blank templates for those wanting a guide to do their own artwork around.

So, get stuck in!  I'm watching and happy to answer any questions as they arise as are other helpful folk here like Sir Le Chuck.  If you really want to go the 4P path an expanded CP could be based on the Metropolis CP.  You will find some 'resistance'  :) to 4P designs along the lines already given, I'd recommend further reading on the topic before committing to it in terms of parts purchase and build effort.

I still get as fired up about the possibilities of Mame and DIY cabinets as when I started in the hobby some years back.  A couple of weekends ago I attended an exhibition of gaming history (cost me $30!) which included a few original but poorly preserved cabs to play.  Most were in a bad way with badly worn leaf switches and sticks.  My son and I struggled through a few levels on each machine and agreed we couldn't wait to play the same titles with great controls on our own machine.


« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 04:39:50 am by Ond »


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #123 on: July 18, 2012, 03:14:30 am »
Also, I do want 4 player controls since I have fond memories of NBA Jam, TMNT and Gauntlet.  If you are planning on including a 4 player CP option on this, that'd be swell.  If not, I'll figure it out.

As Le Chuck has already mentioned, you have to be realistic about how many times you will actually play those games with 2+ players. If you think its worth the additional work/cost, than just do it! I myself decided against it. Instead I will add two USB ports that allow me to connect 2 additional game pads.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #124 on: July 18, 2012, 08:29:56 pm »

Interesting.  I hadn't thought of doing that (two usb ports for controllers).  Have you seen cabinets that do this?  I'd love to see some pics.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #125 on: July 19, 2012, 06:27:33 am »
I know several cabs have them, inlcuding Martijn's awsome Street Fighter cab:

You could also look at my cab (WIP, not installed yet) it shows pictures of them and lists the exact brand/type. I ordered them from They are real easy to install. Just drill a 24mm hole, put them through and screw tight.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #126 on: July 19, 2012, 07:54:24 pm »
This is getting kind of off topic, but when you have additional gamepads, how does one go about making them plug and play? I always have issues with the gamepads not remembering which player they were.

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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #127 on: July 19, 2012, 08:59:32 pm »
This is getting kind of off topic, but when you have additional gamepads, how does one go about making them plug and play? I always have issues with the gamepads not remembering which player they were.

DRVenture has a good solution for that, check out his signature.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #128 on: July 23, 2012, 09:23:26 pm »
Ond, I just want to give a big thanks for starting a thread like this. I've been a MAME/BYOAC fan for many years now, but real life problems and obstacles have prevented me from starting my own cab project...until now. I finally got the blessing from the wife to get one into our home.

To be honest, I was really leaning towards the infamous Knievel "Woody" project, but I'm not a cabinet builder, so there's a lot of his actual cabinet dimensions that I just can't figure out how to make work (I'm an electronics technician by trade), and was getting frustrated on how to even start such a project. Your work here, and the helpful drawings and explanations are giving me all sorts of ideas and hints on how to proceed. One change I'll be making is instead of doing a widescreen monitor, I'll use a spare 19" regular monitor that I've got.

Thanks again, for providing something like this to the BYOAC community.  :applaud:


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #129 on: July 24, 2012, 06:20:27 am »
Ond, I just want to give a big thanks for starting a thread like this. I've been a MAME/BYOAC fan for many years now, but real life problems and obstacles have prevented me from starting my own cab project...until now. I finally got the blessing from the wife to get one into our home.

To be honest, I was really leaning towards the infamous Knievel "Woody" project, but I'm not a cabinet builder, so there's a lot of his actual cabinet dimensions that I just can't figure out how to make work (I'm an electronics technician by trade), and was getting frustrated on how to even start such a project. Your work here, and the helpful drawings and explanations are giving me all sorts of ideas and hints on how to proceed. One change I'll be making is instead of doing a widescreen monitor, I'll use a spare 19" regular monitor that I've got.

Thanks again, for providing something like this to the BYOAC community.  :applaud:

G'day Hockeyboy, you're most welcome, I certainly understand how real life obstacles can get in the way of the hobby, for instance I'm away from home this week on business and didn't manage to get in the update to this thread I'd planned for the weekend just past.  It doesn't matter, once this hobby has it's hooks in you, you'll find the time and enjoy it all the more.  I've got a lot from the forum in terms of like minded enthusiasm and inspiration, so I'm only too happy to be of some use with some practical information for cab building from the ground up. I've just got to get past the construction details so I can cover some other things like paint finishing techniques that I've gotten good results with.  Not the high gloss (high effort) finishes I've posted about elsewhere, but easier to achieve vinyl like paint surfaces using rollers which look really nice as well.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #130 on: August 02, 2012, 01:23:54 am »
I can't believe I missed this thread. Sometimes the sticky ones don't stick out.  ;D
Indeed.  ;D


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #131 on: August 14, 2012, 10:24:53 am »
Hey Kman!,  yes I'm quietly beavering away at this conventional cab design up in the sticky section.  Just FYI, X Factor was the album of choice to listen to while I drew up these images.  :)  Who knows, i may just build this myself!

I've been off work sick for a few days and so with a bit of time to progress this design project along.  Before assembling the CP parts the additional front panel should be attached to the cab.  Using two brace pieces matched to the length of the front panel, screw/ glue them on either side of the coin panel cut out.   

Attach the decorative panel by driving screws from the outside of the cab through the (remember to countersink the screw holes) panel and the brace pieces.

Using the Visio CP cutting and rebating diagram attached at the end of this post, cut out the holes for buttons, joysticks and trackball.  As I've mentioned before, my preferred method is to make a template from thin MDF first.  Some people just print out the template, stick that onto MDF and then drill out each hole. Thin MDF is much easier to work with to get clean edges around button holes etc.  Once you have the template use a flush trim bit and router to cut the actual CP panel out.

Again using the CP rebating guide diagram, route out the rebates for the joysticks and trackball.  These controls will be mounted to the CP from the underside of the panel.  Counter sunk machine screws embedded into the CP panel will hold them in place.

The CP back panel will need two rectangular holes cut out to allow fitting of controls and wiring. Note the three holes for mounting bolts through this panel and through the CP backing plate already fitted to the cab.

Use brace pieces inside the CP along the panel joins as shown.  Glue and screw panels together in the same way we’ve been joining other panels on the cab.  Any counter sunk screws will be filled over prior to vinyl wrapping the CP.

The CP backing plate will also need two rectangular holes cut out to allow wiring to pass through to the CP.

The CP is angled at 5 degrees.  Using a sander or a rasp angle the edges of the CP Back and Front Panels (and the brace pieces) so that the CP top Panel sits flush at a 5 degreed tilt.

EDIT: Guess what I forgot here? Well rhetorical question, I forgot to include marking and drilling the holes for the screws to mount the joysticks & trackball  THEN Glue and screw down the CP Top Panel and the End Panels, making use of the brace pieces to screw into where available.

Here I'm showing the CP bolted to the cab using the three bolt holes (with the CP top removed for clarity).

Here is the view of the CP bolted into place from inside the cab.

Here's a slightly more realistic render to show what the assembled cab should look like so far.

Next i'll cover the remaining panels around the marquee, slot cutting for T-molding and some filling and finishing techniques prior to painting and vinyl wrapping the surfaces.  Just below is the Visio file for the CP button holes and control rebates.  If anyone prefers this as a CAD file PM me and I'll provide it.

EDIT: Note that the layer 0 in the Visio file can be scaled onto a larger page size for printing, just choose 1:1 scale and it will print out perfectly to full size scale on 2 x A3 sheets, I've tested this myself.  No need for complex measuring just stick down the printout and route the CP panel, easy eh?  ;D

« Last Edit: August 02, 2017, 04:55:22 am by Ond »


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #132 on: October 03, 2012, 03:29:23 pm »
Another huge thanks for all of this from another newb.
I've been wanting to build a cab for at least 4 years, but other projects keep getting in the way (remodel a basement to make room for a cabinet, then buy a new house, then remodel that basement with plans for a cab, then buy a rental that needed a little TLC).
This winter I've committed to getting my cab built...finally. But coming up with plans was a bit daunting.
Your plans are great, and can't wait to see the next sections. 

Incidentally, to see what kind of skills I had to prepare for this, I had an old dartboard that needed a good base (basically the dartboard looked like the top half of a dartboard you'd find at the bar...made for wall mounting). For the last 2 weeks I've been taking many of the lessons you've put out here to get the base together, and I think that by tomorrow I should be priming, with hopes of having it done by weekend. If anyone were to look inside the base, they'd realize that it's put together EXACTLY as you're detailing cabinet construction here.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #133 on: October 03, 2012, 07:44:19 pm »
Welcome to the forum brihyn!  Great to hear this thread has been useful to you, its a fine hobby to get into, although it can get a bit addictive  :).

My situation is similar with multiple major home projects going on at the moment - mainly landscaping, but I grab some 'me' time in the garage or at the PC whenever I can.  I'll update this asap.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #134 on: October 08, 2012, 05:54:10 pm »
Thanks for the welcome.
Just finished up my dartboard stand and learned quite a bit from it for my arcade project, so I'm calling Mission Success.
Now....I fully understand that you're wrapped up in life and will get back to this when you are able...but could you (or anyone, really) provide details on what I should realistically plan for speakers? What's the common speaker in arcade cabs? I didn't really see a great answer on my search. What were you going to suggest on this one, and where will they probably mount? Above the monitor?
Thanks again for the great writeups....I can't wait to get started. A couple small items on the honeydo list to finish up and I'm ready to work.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #135 on: October 08, 2012, 07:22:45 pm »
The speakers on this cab design will go in the traditional location on the panel underneath the Marquee.  As for speaker types, arcade cabinets tended to have cheap, weak speakers in them because the frequency range and sound quality coming out of most arcade games was limited to the chip technology of the day.  Some people here will maintain authentic arcade sounds can therefore be achieved with similar cheap speakers from Radio Shack or its equivalent.  A cheap pair of speakers will still need some sort of amplifier, so read on....

If you intend running games other than just in Mame (i.e. PC Shmups etc) or perhaps looking at using the cab for jukebox use as well, you'd do well to consider better speakers.  Plenty of folks here just adapt PC speaker systems including the 'subwoofer' unit that comes with them.  You could make cut-outs in the panel I mentioned and simply mount a pair of these PC speakers into the cut-out and/or cover with a grill and then put the subwoofer unit inside the cab near a vent hole.  These systems are easy because they come with a built in amp and plug straight into mains power.

Another alternative and a bit more difficult (but quite do-able with the all the help you’ll get here) is to use a car system and separate amplifier.  Car speakers are fine to use either with a 12Volt car amp or with mini amplifiers you can order off the net.  Sorry no links, Google is your friend.  If you start getting up into higher powered speaker systems (say above ~ 20 Watts) it's a good idea to provide a separate power supply for your sound system.  Again Radio Shack sell 12V power supplies or you can modify a PC power supply which is a much cheaper alternative.

A few things to think about here, overall a cheap 2.1 PC Speaker system is the easiest way to go, hope that helps.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #136 on: October 09, 2012, 08:14:05 am »
I was considering the car speaker route, and did a bit of googling for a small amp. Are you suggesting pulling the 12V off of the pc power supply? if so, that's something I hadn't thought of.
What would you suggest for mounting? cutting regular oval-shaped (or round, depending on the speakers) holes and using some kind of grill?
If using a 2.1 speaker system, how do people typically mount the speakers?
I'll probably load up a juke app but my hope (dream) is to at some point build a more dedicated juke. Meanwhile, the cabinet will be sitting just a few feet from my stereo system....but that's not as cool looking :)


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #137 on: October 13, 2012, 11:41:44 pm »
Just to show my thanks to OND (and everyone else here) for this great thread, plus, well, maybe to offer a tiny bit of encouragement too keep the thread going (honestly, I do understand that you have other projects and life, OND. I'm a LONGGGGGG way from needing to know the next to-be-documented steps!), my first cab build is officially kicked off. I've only drawn out the first cab side, and now I see I already need to modify my drawing a bit.
This cab will use a SlickStick I bought from a coworker several years ago when I first started dreaming of building the cab. I also found an old coin door at what I refer to as "a videogame bone yard" (pics of it the next time I make the drive to my parents!). Wife thinks she can clean up the door well enough to make it look nice, so we'll see what I end up with before I get as far as cutting a hole for it.
Once I actually start working, I'll create my own thread, but figured this was the perfect thread for my first pic, since it will rely 100% on OND's excellent tutorial!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #138 on: November 01, 2012, 09:15:02 am »
I'm still making incredibly slow progress, and haven't run out of work to be done before I start begging for an update here, but I do have a really quick question, as I think I'm making a trip to the hardware store tomorrow...
Should I plan for plexiglass (or something similar) over the top of the bezel? If so, what would be the plan to hold it in place? I was planning on picking up some 1/4-round, but if there's some better idea, I'm all ears.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #139 on: November 01, 2012, 01:40:06 pm »
im new I'm hoping I can post a new one soon.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #140 on: December 15, 2012, 01:32:48 pm »
How would you attach a monitor to this kind of build (how do people mount flat-screens generally)?  And would any approach allow replacing the monitor in the future without taking a pry bar to everything?  ;D


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #141 on: December 16, 2012, 07:36:59 am »
Most LCD's have a 100mm VESA mount. This means you just take a piece of wood and drill 4 holes into it (100mm spacing) and then screw some bolt through the wood into the monitor.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #142 on: February 15, 2013, 04:08:08 pm »
OND, this is great! I think I'm going to use this design over the Evolution or Woody. I'm completely new to this so any and all advice/tips/diagrams/pictures are GREATLY appreciated! That said, do you know when you can finish the rest of the guide? You mentioned you would post tips on t-molding, the marquee and finishing techniques prior to painting/vinyl. I can't wait to see the rest and start building my cabinet! Thanks again!!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #143 on: February 15, 2013, 04:32:30 pm »
OND, this is great! I think I'm going to use this design over the Evolution or Woody. I'm completely new to this so any and all advice/tips/diagrams/pictures are GREATLY appreciated! That said, do you know when you can finish the rest of the guide? You mentioned you would post tips on t-molding, the marquee and finishing techniques prior to painting/vinyl. I can't wait to see the rest and start building my cabinet! Thanks again!!

adamrgolf, you're welcome.  I'm just getting back into all things arcade related after a bit of a break from BYOAC and that includes this thread.  I have some cool Metropolis themed artwork planned for this cab which will be available to download.  There should be enough here to get you started.  I'm a bit wary of giving completion estimates lately  :-\ but let me see what I can do over the next few days?


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #144 on: February 15, 2013, 09:16:11 pm »

This is brilliant! Such a great walk through. I am planning a build for a 32" LCD and am looking closely at your work and modifying for the screen. I really appreciate keeping thing relatively simple, it makes it easier to get my head around things. I m definitely not a woodworker.

I also appreciate thinking of us metric folks in explaining this project. That has been one of my biggest obstacles so far. I understand you have heaps on so there's no rush, but i appreciate it all the same.

Thanks again!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #145 on: February 16, 2013, 07:18:49 am »
OND, this is great! I think I'm going to use this design over the Evolution or Woody. I'm completely new to this so any and all advice/tips/diagrams/pictures are GREATLY appreciated! That said, do you know when you can finish the rest of the guide? You mentioned you would post tips on t-molding, the marquee and finishing techniques prior to painting/vinyl. I can't wait to see the rest and start building my cabinet! Thanks again!!

adamrgolf, you're welcome.  I'm just getting back into all things arcade related after a bit of a break from BYOAC and that includes this thread.  I have some cool Metropolis themed artwork planned for this cab which will be available to download.  There should be enough here to get you started.  I'm a bit wary of giving completion estimates lately  :-\ but let me see what I can do over the next few days?

You rock. Thanks again.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #146 on: February 17, 2013, 05:12:40 pm »

This is brilliant! Such a great walk through. I am planning a build for a 32" LCD and am looking closely at your work and modifying for the screen. I really appreciate keeping thing relatively simple, it makes it easier to get my head around things. I m definitely not a woodworker.

I also appreciate thinking of us metric folks in explaining this project. That has been one of my biggest obstacles so far. I understand you have heaps on so there's no rush, but i appreciate it all the same.

Thanks again!

G'day bondy, great to see you newer guys checking out this thread and finding some value in it.  I'd like to do a metric conversion, I think in decimal not imperial as well!  I'm going to take some time this week to do some updates on the Metropolis project.  Feel free to ask general cab building questions here, I'll either try to answer them myself or direct you to BYOAC info as well.




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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #147 on: February 20, 2013, 02:12:13 pm »
Wow! This guide your are assembling is awesome! It is exactly what I was looking for. Slim in depth, 2-player, stylish, full rear door. I was looking at a horizontal 22" screen, so the size fits. Need I say more!

I'm looking forward to a complete pdf step by step guide when you are done, if that is your plan. When done, toss a paypal donate link if it is not against forum rules. I'd gladly donate a few bucks for your hard effort.  :applaud:


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #148 on: February 20, 2013, 02:28:23 pm »
While ya'll wait for OND to find the ever-elusive free time to finish these amazing directions, I finished up my cab using what he's posted to date, so I'm happy to help answer questions that may come up as well.
And a quick update on my this point I'm loving the cab without any graphics at all. it sits in a corner so anything I'd put on the sides would end up covered.
I'm thinking of a few enhancements now, after reading everything people are doing. One idea is to replace SlickStick's center joystick with a 4-way, or maybe make something modular so I could add in a 4-way, swap it out with a 4-way set 45 degrees for some QBert fun, etc.
Haven't quite worked out what exactly I wanna do to accomplish this yet but everyone's right...this stuff is addictive!.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #149 on: February 20, 2013, 04:41:25 pm »
I was thinking about how to easily gain access to the control panel. I found "Blum Cliptop 110 degree Blumotion Hinge" and think something like this might be a possible solution. Install them on the inside, towards the user. Towards the rear of the control box, you could use a wire stay to hold the panel open at a decent angle, similar to a tailgate on a pickup. You could also install an arcade style lock at the top in a corner of the control board should you choose to.

Hinge video

Just a few quick links I found to show you show you what I'm talking about



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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #150 on: February 21, 2013, 03:21:48 am »
@ keilmillerjr - that's a really nice thought about the paypal donate thanks for the suggestion.  I hadn't thought of doing a PDF guide but I'll ponder that further as well.

brihyn did a great job on his version of the cab.

I used these type (or very similar) hinges on my Astro cab CP.  This design however will have vinyl wrap around art over the top and front edge of the CP.  That's not to say you couldn't modify the design and go with the hinges.  It's also why I've made the whole CP detachable using the bolts shown in the diagrams so that access to the CP internals is possible should it be needed once the cab is complete.  For those waiting on further design and build instruction updates on this, I have been spending some time on this, but primarily on the artwork.  I've scratch drawn the New Tower of Babylon for the side art.  The finished art should have a dark night scene, 'Metropolis' look to it i.e. in the style of the poster art.
« Last Edit: February 21, 2013, 03:30:43 am by Ond »


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #151 on: March 28, 2013, 04:26:39 am »
Hi, I like your cabinet design, any chance of the plans in metric!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #152 on: March 28, 2013, 07:30:14 am »
Hi, I like your cabinet design, any chance of the plans in metric!

G'day DHTech,  I've had a few requests for a metric version now.  There shouldn't be too much work in converting the plans over.  All being well,  I'll give it a go over the Easter Break and make them available for download.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #153 on: March 28, 2013, 03:42:12 pm »
While ya'll wait for OND to find the ever-elusive free time to finish these amazing directions, I finished up my cab using what he's posted to date, so I'm happy to help answer questions that may come up as well.

Hi Brihyn. Good to hear this cab's do-able. Any chance you can post some pics so can see what the assembled cab looks like in real life. Itching to get started on first build, but equally nervous about the final plumping for a cab design!

Ond - this is fantastic! Ordered all components this w/e - and making a start next w/e! My first build so desperately hoping made all good decisions. Dont' know if you and/or others can help with a few q's:

1. I'm wanting to put a spinner on the CP. Will the dimensions of this CP accommodate a spinner unit if I move the central buttons?

2. As for protecting the CP - what's the best way?
         - Artwork then plexiglass (with the curve, will this be too difficult?)
         - Just errr is it Vinyl?? - thought i'd read on one commercial site that use special type so hard wearing?

3. On the panel under the monitor bezel - would this be OK to accommodate buttons? (e.g. home, play, + specials for emulators?)

4. Most confusingly - TFT monitor - 16:9 or 4:3 !!????

Oh, and those metric measurements would be great - never understood why people still use imperial, given the world moved to base 10 decades ago (no offense to anyone!)

Cheers folks

« Last Edit: March 31, 2013, 09:18:37 am by stigzler »


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #154 on: April 01, 2013, 09:37:58 pm »
Here ya go. I was replacing the pc the other day when you asked...perfect chance to take pcs. However, the wiring is a mess in these because of the swap (and reswap, now running the original pc with increased memory and HT turned on)
The monitor mounting looks like crap, but after I had it strapped, I decided to wedge in extra cardboard to make 100% sure it wasn't going to budge...I was a bit paranoid.
The thing's also really dusty, I didn't realize how bad until looking at the pics tonight...guess it's time to clean the basement!
And to finish it off, the world's cutest nephew making me realize that it was worth my time to build it!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #155 on: April 03, 2013, 02:53:59 pm »
Thanks brihyn. Gives me a good idea.


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #156 on: April 10, 2013, 02:32:32 am »
Been lurking for a long while but wanted to jump in here and add my name to the list of folks that are currently building this cab.  This is the first cab for me.  I think that I have all that I need regarding the build plans but I'm especially interested in seeing the artwork that you come up with.  I'm hoping to do full side panel(s) graphics, a marquee, and a CPO.  Still on the fence as to whether I'll put lexan or plexi or whatever over the CP but I think that I'm going to omit it.  Maybe I'll just get a couple of copies of the CPO artwork in case it gets torn or burnt or otherwise dorked-up.

What a cool hobby, guys.  OND, thanks very much for putting these plans together and giving to the community.  Sincerely.  You're obviously a propeller-head-level whiz at CAD or Sketchup or whatever, but building these plans still must take a ton of time and I (and my kids, and even my wife...a little bit anyway) are going to appreciate this more than you know and the cabinet will likely be in my house in 10 years.  This set of plans really hits home and brings everything together very nicely.  I've looked at probably hundreds of other cabs and build threads and such for ideas but this is a true How-To for the first-timer-n00b-type-guy.  I.E., this is just the right kick in the arse that convinced me that I could actually do this and end up with a fantastic result without breaking the bank or killing myself.

And thanks to everyone else that is adding their input here too.  That's extremely valuable as well and I'm going to implement several of the ideas that I've seen/read about in this thread.  And please keep them coming.  I might even take some pics for the thread, assuming that I come up with some neat little *whatever* that isn't already suggested here.  E.G., speaker placement or CP layout or something.

I can't wait to actually get this thing 100% done!

Robotron...I'm coming for ya.



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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #157 on: April 10, 2013, 10:44:18 am »
Great to see quite a few folks interested in the Metropolis cab building project now and over 700 downloads of the plans!.  Welcome to Steve and Gern and thanks for the enthusiasm and kind words fellas.   I guess this is my little corner of BYOAC and really is aimed at encouraging new guys to build their own arcade cabinets.

There's a few questions so I'll comment on those in no particular order.  The Metropolis CP as designed, would do without covering with plexi.  The idea is to cover the CP and rolled off edge with printed vinyl.  To get an idea of how nice this can look check out some of Knievel's bartops over in the Projects section.

There's no problem with putting a spinner on the CP but if it were me building it, I'd substitute it for the trackball rather than adding a spinner and a trackball.  I've also seen some cabs with the spinner placed on the front edge of the CP as an alternative. 

The cab is specifically designed around a widescreen monitor, simply because these are generally easier to get these days.  The bezel panel could be cut to fit a 4:3 monitor though.  I'd confine any buttons to the CP, but if you wanted to fit some on the bezel under the monitor you'd need to use plastic rather than glass to cover the bezel (the glass runs right down behind the CP).

I haven't forgotten about the metric version of the plans, just at the moment most of my drawing time is taken up on artwork for another members project, but I'll get to it as well as the artwork for this cab.  When complete I'll provide a link to my Dropbox so people can download the hi-res files.




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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #158 on: April 21, 2013, 07:37:43 pm »
Just Started my build, heres a pic of the side pieces, cut the other cabinet pieces after I took this pic, Just need to cut out holes for coin mech and speakers, then Cut CP pieces.
Then the real fun begins!

I've Build a 4 player cab off the Ultimate Arcade II plans, and a Cocktail table style (Both sold years ago)
Really like the plans Ond drew up, more modern style with a smaller footprint will fit nicely in my small home.

Will keep yas updated as I go along.

Thanks Ond!


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Re: Build an OND designed cab 'Metropolis'
« Reply #159 on: April 26, 2013, 10:44:00 am »
Wow, all these designs are amazing. I've never actually built my own cab.
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