Software Support > Automated Projects

Mala + Startcom + Mrotate3 + mameui

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DaOld Man:
Glad you got it. Thanks for posting your solution, it could be helpful to others.
About turning Mala in the orientation that the screen is in on startup, I wrote a small program that will do that for you.
It reads which limit switch is made and turns mala to that orientation.
Download it here, and let me know if you need any help.


--- Quote from: DaOld Man on February 11, 2012, 08:43:11 am ---Glad you got it. Thanks for posting your solution, it could be helpful to others.
About turning Mala in the orientation that the screen is in on startup, I wrote a small program that will do that for you.
It reads which limit switch is made and turns mala to that orientation.
Download it here, and let me know if you need any help.

--- End quote ---

Thanks! I downloaded the program, late I'll test it. But, I'll use HORN+EWF configuration for windows, so my computer resume every time by one predetermined 'position' and there is no write to disk, only to memory. In a second hardrive (conpactflash to sata) I have the programs and the files that need to be modified (ex. ini, cfg, hiscore...). Mala has a 'resume' capacity, it knows if the frontend start from the hybernation: I have to test if your program can work in that way. Or maybe I can rotate back from every vertical game...


I'm in bed with a cold since tuesday (:dizzy:), I haven't had the chance to try malaori---
I hope to try it in the next few days  ;)

DaOld Man:
Sorry about your cold. Best thing for me when I have a cold is Vicks Vapo Rub.
That and one (just one) shot of Jack Daniels before bedtime.

If your problem is when the computer wakes up from standby mala ori may not work for you.

But post back when you feel like testing some more and we will see what we can do.


--- Quote from: DaOld Man on February 18, 2012, 07:37:06 am ---That and one (just one) shot of Jack Daniels before bedtime.

--- End quote ---

The bottle is now empty  ;)


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