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Emulaxian/Fe3darcade 0.65: fps3darcade and skin it

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Emulaxian/Fe-3darcade 0.65: fps 3darcade and skin it!

Another big release. This release adds the two most requested features to the fe. An fps style 3darcade and the ability to skin every visible object of the fe anyway you want!

-Fps style 3d arcade! Walk around in rooms filled with 3d models.
-Grab them and place them anywhere in the room to create your onw layouts!  
-Skin it! All visible objects have all there parameters exposed. file to use, position, size, rotation, blend etc. You get total control to create a theme that fits your cabinet!
-Changed the key remapping to use keycodes, now all special keys can be used.
-Each gamelist can now have its own arcade environment.
-You can define additional rules which 3d model to show when no model was matched the normal way. For example use the same model for all horizontal games, all driving games etc. when no specific model was found.
-Define which model to use when none is you can get rid of my Emulaxian cab ;-)
-Skinnable startup and exit screens using a bitmap, flash or quickttime movies
-Helpscreens can now show bitmaps based on game name. For example to show the cp layout for that game.
-Internally translate long file names into short file names before launching a game for emulators that don't like long names.
-Changed the cfg files layout to be more hierarchical. I hope this will make setting up the fe a bit more straight forward.
-Hide cursor bug finally fixed.

screenshots of the fps arcade:
and in fullscreen arcade mode:




I can't wait to get home and try it!


--- Quote ---LOOKING GREAT!

I can't wait to get home and try it!

--- End quote ---

As you can see from the pic above..I solved the artifacts showing up in the models I mentioned in a email to was not the exporting with a to low geometry accuracy that was the problem but the front clipping plane of the camera that got the renderer I did not have to replace the models on the site yet  :D In time I will do it...because now you get so close to the cabs that the low jpeg quality of the textures I set on exporting them really shows when you get real close...


btw, I'm trying to confirm this now.  I believe that most hardware can only take textures of specific sizes 64x64, 128x128, 512x512 ect... but most engines will convert them when loading (only happens once, so it's not a huge speed issue, and you wouldn't notice it at all once loaded).

Anyway, since I'm writing directly to opengl, I can only load them if they width/height is the same.  I'm trying to find out if I'm right or not.  But if you are going to redo the images, it might be worth converting them.


--- Quote ---btw, I'm trying to confirm this now.
--- End quote ---


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