Software Support > GroovyMAME

Troubles with syncrefresh & soundsync

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--- Quote from: EnC on August 03, 2011, 07:30:36 pm ---
--- Quote from: cotmm68030 on August 03, 2011, 06:10:27 am ---
For shits and giggles I switched over to D3D and similarly got no artifacts.

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I don't understand, what's funny about it? Please check the maximum speed you get with DDraw and D3D and tell me if there is any good reason why not to use D3D as default setting? I see you also have "sounsync" enabled, so you would agree this too should be default setting, right?

If you want people to use this build, you want to make it so that it works the best it possible can *out of the box* for most of them. People are lazy, they will try it, but if it doesn't work as expected many will not bother to figure out it's just a few options they need to change to get it right, so why not change this in advance and make default settings be the best possible overall settings, that's all I'm saying.

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if both run at 100%, who cares?


--- Quote from: EnC on August 03, 2011, 07:30:36 pm ---
I don't understand, what's funny about it? Please check the maximum speed you get with DDraw and D3D and tell me if there is any good reason why not to use D3D as default setting? I see you also have "sounsync" enabled, so you would agree this too should be default setting, right?

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You sound very familiar...were you on these forums before, but with another alias?


Just ignore Enc (also known as Driverman), he will be banned soon.

@Sjaak: Oh I know. I know quite a bit about Zeke.


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