Heres a little eye candy for you kiddoes...
This first one is the board itself, i have it mounted on a proto board, along with LEDs on outputs and inputs connected to a DIP switch.
The leds arent real bright cause the resistors I used are way too big. Need to be around 470-500 ohms. (leds not turned on in this pic anyway), but hey, I was just testing anyway so its all good.
I also have a USA 25cent quarter laying beside the board for size comparison.
The inputs are pulled high by the resistors near the switch bank. Resistors connect to inputs and +5 vdc from the board (pin 20) (These are the correct resistors for this). Turning on a DIP switch connects that input to ground.

This pic is the test panel display on my laptop. (sorry for poor quality). Test panel allows you to run your rotating rig from a testing advantage.
(Normal operation the program is never seen, runs on command line commands same as previous MRotate versions.

And last pic of the day is screen shot (again, poor quality), of the Chip Status display.
Test Panel and Chip Display are only available when you run Mrotate5 in setup mode.

Well thats it for now. Will post more later.