Software Support > Automated Projects

Support forum for Mrotate by DaOldman!

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This is a support forum. Anyone with a product or software of any kind related to the hobby can ask for and likely receive a support forum. It's a different intent than the general discussion forums. The creator of the hardware/software is the moderator of the support forum and can use it as a home to answer user questions. Whether there are many or few posts doesn't really matter :) 


--- Quote from: saint on January 27, 2011, 12:05:12 pm ---This is a support forum. Anyone with a product or software of any kind related to the hobby can ask for and likely receive a support forum. It's a different intent than the general discussion forums. The creator of the hardware/software is the moderator of the support forum and can use it as a home to answer user questions. Whether there are many or few posts doesn't really matter :) 

--- End quote ---

Hi DaOldman
 Will this work with win7 64bit and gameex? I would love to get mrotate to work with my rotating monitor.

Thanks for any help. jly

DaOld Man:
Mrotate3 (soon to be released) will work with win7 64 bit, but it takes a little extra work to set it up.
Im not sure about gameex.
As long as the frontend can tell the game's intended orientation and call mrotate3 with an argument based on that orientation, it should work.
Command line for Mrotate3 would be "C:\Mrotate3\mrotate3.exe 0" 0 is default for horizontal command and 90 is default for vertical. These commands can be changed within mrotate3's setup program.
Example: "C:\Mrotate3\mrotate3.exe vertical"
I do know someone on here made it work with a frontend which name I cant recall. I will try to find the thread and link it from here.

Thanks for the info. I don't mind the work that's half the fun :applaud: I will post some pictures of my setup soon.

Thanks jly


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